Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It's Close to Midnight, Something Evil's Lurkin'in the Dark...

'Cause this is thriller! Thriller at night!
(Michael Jackson- Thriller)

Lesson Z- Halloween Party

The school decided to organize a Halloween party Tuesday night, which happened to be the night before the Basic Cuisine written final exam. What happens when you organize a school party the night before an exam? This:

Rocking the Dance Floor

To be fair the photo was taken at 9pm, but then the party started at 7pm, and was billed to end at midnight. As it was a Halloween party, students were encouraged to dress up. No one would be lame enough to actually show up with an outfit right? Well I did:

The "American Tourist"

I was going to go as the Chinese businessman, but I thought that the American Tourist would be a more popular crowd pleaser anywhere in the world. Anyways, I got to meet a lot of Basic Pastry folks, who had their written exam last week and could afford to come out. I learned a lot today, for example pastry folks don't actually have cooties, as was passed down in the folklore of Basic Cuisine! I mean, how would we know? We never come into contact with them at school. A few of them were actually quite friendly.

Anyways, the written exam was pretty straightforward. I don't think anyone who listened to class and somewhat studied would fail the thing. However, I don't regret all those hours memorizing cuisine vocabs, since they are quite useful to know in real life. IE when I go to the market or when I look at menus in French restaurants. Here are some words that I found useful.

Abats- Means the internal organs of a Chicken. When you buy a chicken from a farmer's market, they would ask you if you want your poulet avec or sans abats.

Allumette- Literally matchsticks. Describes the shape of a certain stick shape petit four, or very thin French Fries IE pomme allumette

Confit- food that is saturated with vinegar, sugar, alcohol or fat. IE Confit de canard is duck meat soaked in duckfat.

Consommé- clear soup that is served hot or cold, usually clarified

Crudités- raw vegetables sliced or cut served with vinaigrette or mayonnaise. You get these for appetizers. Also a popular sandwitch in france is a Sandwich Poulet Crudités= chicken mayo vegetable sandwich

Demi-glace- reduced espanole sauce plus madeira used to flavor dish or strengthen brown sauces

HacherTo chop into small pieces. IE Steak Haché is chopped up steak

PoêlerPan Fry. IE Poulet Poêlé is pan fried chicken

Vapeur- Steamed. IE: Raviolis à la Vapeur = steamed ravioli

Velouté- Cream soup similar to "Cream of" soups except it is also thickened with egg yolks.

Quote of the day:

Student 1: Are you going to the school Halloween party?
Student 2: Dude, we have the written final the next day.
Student 1: But...... it's the HALLOWEEN PARTY!

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